In a recent article by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra of Dherbs. com (“First Consult Your Physician?”, April 6, 2009), he discused the strength of Western Medicine or allopathy and the reasons for weakness in Alternative Medicine in America. He said :
“No matter what the alternative health product, modality, or therapy, you will always find a disclaimer on the bottle, box, machine, or advertisement, stating: "CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE USE" as though Western medical physicians actually study up on all the new alternative health products, therapies, procedures, and gadgets/technology on the market today. Physicians don't even study basic nutrition so what makes anybody think they are going to study up on any alternative measures (products, therapies, procedures, and technology) that poses a threat to their linear and specific modality of health (if you can in fact call it a health modality), and their profits?”
While Western Medicine has made significant strides due in part to Federal Grants for research and advances made in Space Medicine from NASA's efforts, Alternative Medicine and its deep ancestral roots cannot should not be overshadowed and ignored. Long before RNA or DNA, practitioners were curing with herbs and plants, minerals, metals, and mixtures which are just as effective today as then. Homeopathy is not NEW, it is our past and should not be forgotten.
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