Monday, March 16, 2009

Conventional vs. Organic - Which Are You?

First, you don’t need organic produce to be healthy. A live, conventionally raised salad over an organic white flour pasta can be most rewarding, as well as cheaper. Food that is alive has more power to nourish us than dead-processed organic food any day. So, consider conventional produce, IT IS ALIVE. And if you are at the point in your life where you can afford to choose between dead and alive, choose alive conventional produce.

Second issue, Cost. Where are you at financially, can you really afford organic in this recession? Although the margin of cost difference is decreasing, it is still a reality that organic is more expensive. This cost is offset by the more nutrients available in the organic production and growing.On the flip side, does going for organic place such a strain on your budget that you feel like you can’t get very much, if any at all?

If this is where you are, and the question is conventional produce or no produce, buy conventional. The road to being Truly Healthy is paved with live vegetation. Keep your house full of produce, because that matters more than whether or not it is organic.

The decision to go organic is going to depend on you as an individual.Where you and your family stand in this recession, and what you can afford to buy. Start to add in produce of fruits and vegetables as you can afford.. try to get off of processed foods, white flour, sugar and dairy, focus on that. If you truly desire to be eating healthfully and the price between an organic salad and a non organic one is substantial,stay with the conventional. What is ultimately important is to increase your diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts, and reduce those processed foods!

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