Sunday, February 8, 2009

Coffee or Tea: Damage or Benefit?

If you drink Black tea regularly, you will have healthy arteries and increase your blood flow because it has antioxidants known as falconoid that also give the tea this rich flavor. Your cholesterol levels will also drop, you can protect yourself from certain cancers, develop stronger bones, have fresher breath and fewer cavities.

Just like coffee, Black Tea contains caffeine. The difference between the two is the fact that a cup of Black Tea or any other only contains 30 to 40 mg. of caffeine while coffee contains about 135 mg. Green, White, Orange Pekoe, and Oolong are the same...they differ only in the processing.

Coffee has consistently been degraded because of the high levels of caffeine, that drinking in excess of 2 cups a day creates health problems (high blood pressure, hypertension, etc). Yet, current studies show that coffee potentially may prevent the onset of dementia.

So, why not have both? Have the coffee in the morning, and tea for the rest of the day. You might even try varying the schedule and see what works best for you.

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